Empowering Innovation: Unlocking Agility with the Product-Oriented Delivery (POD) Model

Unlocking Agility with the Product-Oriented Delivery (POD) Model
Reading Time: 5 minutes


The increasing complexity of business environments and rapid technological advancements have driven organizations to rethink their operational models. Traditional project-based delivery, often siloed and reactive, has proven insufficient in today’s dynamic and fast-paced markets. In response, many companies are shifting towards a Product-Oriented Delivery (POD) Model, where cross-functional teams are organized around specific business capabilities or products rather than discrete projects. This approach emphasizes continuous delivery, close alignment with business needs, and greater ownership and accountability.

This paper delves into the background of the Product-Oriented Delivery model, discusses its benefits and challenges, explores alternatives, and provides recommendations on its effective implementation.

Let’s talk! 

Background of the POD Model

The POD model draws inspiration from agile and DevOps methodologies that prioritize iterative development, cross-functional collaboration, and customer-centricity. In a traditional project-based model, teams often disband after completing a project, with little continuity or accountability for long-term product success. This can lead to a disconnect between delivery teams and business objectives, as well as a lack of ownership for product lifecycle management.

In contrast, the POD model organizes delivery around “products” or “capabilities”—a concept that can vary depending on the organization. A product might be a customer-facing application, an internal process improvement, or a specific business capability such as supply chain management. Each POD (Product-Oriented Delivery team) is responsible for the full lifecycle of that product, from ideation to development, deployment, and ongoing enhancement.

PODs are typically composed of cross-functional teams that include software developers, product managers, business analysts, UX designers, and other relevant experts. This structure promotes greater collaboration and ensures that all the necessary skills are present to meet the business’s needs.

Benefits of the POD Model

1. Greater Business Alignment

One of the most significant advantages of the POD model is the close alignment between digital teams and business objectives. Each POD is dedicated to a specific product or capability, meaning that the team has a deep understanding of the business value and customer needs associated with that product. This reduces the gap between IT and business stakeholders and ensures that digital initiatives are always relevant to strategic goals.

2. Increased Agility

The POD model fosters agility by decentralizing decision-making and empowering teams to work independently. Because each POD is self-contained and cross-functional, they can iterate rapidly, responding to changes in market conditions, customer needs, or technology advancements without waiting for approval from other teams or layers of management.

3. Improved Accountability and Ownership

In the POD model, teams own the entire product lifecycle, from development to deployment and beyond. This sense of ownership encourages teams to think long-term about the products they manage, ensuring continuous improvement and focusing on delivering sustained value rather than just meeting the immediate project requirements.

4. Continuous Delivery

Unlike traditional models where teams may be disbanded after a project is completed, PODs persist for the life of the product. This enables continuous delivery of improvements and features, with teams constantly working on refining the product to meet changing business and customer needs.

5. Cross-Functional Collaboration

By including all necessary expertise within the POD—such as developers, business analysts, and UX designers—collaboration becomes much more streamlined. This reduces dependencies on other teams, speeding up decision-making and improving the overall quality of the product.

Challenges and Drawbacks of the POD Model

1. Potential for Resource Duplication

A key challenge in the POD model is the potential for resource duplication across teams. Since each POD is self-contained and includes its own specialists, certain roles (e.g., data scientists, DevOps engineers) may be duplicated across multiple PODs. This can lead to inefficiencies in resource allocation, especially if these specialists are in high demand.

2. Scaling Difficulties

While the POD model works well for small to mid-sized teams, scaling this model across large organizations can be challenging. As the number of PODs grows, coordinating across multiple teams becomes more difficult, and the risk of siloed efforts increases. Without proper governance structures in place, organizations may struggle to maintain consistency and alignment across PODs.

3. Product Ownership Confusion

The success of the POD model depends heavily on the role of the Product Owner (PO), who is responsible for prioritizing work and ensuring alignment with business objectives. If the responsibilities of the Product Owner are not clearly defined or if they lack authority, it can lead to confusion, misalignment, and slower decision-making.

4. Cultural Shifts and Resistance

Transitioning to the POD model often requires significant cultural changes. Team members accustomed to traditional hierarchical structures may resist the increased autonomy and responsibility of the POD model. Furthermore, business stakeholders may be hesitant to shift from project-based engagements to long-term, product-based collaboration.

Alternatives to the POD Model

1. Project-Based Delivery Model

The traditional project-based model involves teams working on specific, time-bound projects with a defined start and end date. While this model is widely used, it tends to be more rigid, with teams disbanding after project completion. The primary focus is on delivering within scope, budget, and time constraints, often at the expense of long-term value and product iteration.


  • Clear scope and defined deliverables.
  • Easier to manage for short-term, one-off projects.


  • Lack of ownership and continuity.
  • Can lead to misalignment with long-term business goals.

2. DevOps and Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD)

DevOps and CI/CD models emphasize the integration of development and operations teams to enable continuous delivery of software. While these approaches share similarities with the POD model in terms of agility and continuous delivery, DevOps is more focused on the technical aspects of automation, testing, and deployment pipelines.


  • Strong emphasis on automation and efficiency.
  • Faster, more reliable software releases.


  • Primarily focused on engineering and operations rather than the broader business alignment that PODs offer.

3. Feature Teams

In a feature team model, cross-functional teams are responsible for delivering specific features across various products, rather than being dedicated to a single product. This model allows teams to work on high-priority features as needed, offering flexibility in resource allocation.


  • Greater flexibility in resource allocation across different products.
  • Focused on delivering specific features, reducing the risk of scope creep.


  • Lacks the long-term ownership that the POD model provides.
  • Can result in fragmented knowledge across different products.

Recommendations for Implementing the POD Model

1. Start Small and Scale Gradually

Organizations looking to transition to a POD model should start with a few dedicated teams and products. Scaling too quickly can lead to chaos and misalignment, especially if there are no clear governance structures in place. Begin by identifying high-priority products or capabilities that would benefit most from the POD approach and expand gradually.

2. Establish Strong Product Ownership

The success of the POD model hinges on having strong Product Owners who can act as the bridge between the business and the digital team. These Product Owners should have both the authority and the expertise to prioritize work, make decisions, and align the product with strategic business goals. Invest in training for Product Owners to ensure they have the skills and tools to be effective in their roles.

3. Develop a Clear Governance Framework

As the number of PODs increases, it’s essential to establish a governance framework to maintain alignment across teams. This could include regular cross-POD meetings, centralized product roadmaps, and shared metrics to ensure consistency and collaboration without stifling autonomy.

4. Foster a Culture of Collaboration and Autonomy

Transitioning to a POD model often requires significant cultural change. Leaders must foster an environment where teams are empowered to make decisions, take ownership, and collaborate effectively. This may involve breaking down hierarchical structures, encouraging open communication, and supporting continuous learning.

5. Address Resource Duplication Early

To mitigate the risk of resource duplication, consider creating a shared services model for highly specialized roles that may be in demand across multiple PODs. These roles can be embedded in specific PODs when needed or shared across multiple teams to reduce inefficiencies.


The Product-Oriented Delivery (POD) model offers a transformative approach to digital delivery, emphasizing business alignment, continuous delivery, and cross-functional collaboration. By organizing around products or capabilities, organizations can achieve greater agility, accountability, and long-term ownership of product outcomes. However, like any operational model, it comes with its own set of challenges, such as potential resource duplication, scaling difficulties, and the need for a strong product ownership culture.

While the POD model may not be suitable for every organization, it is an effective solution for businesses seeking to shift from reactive, project-based delivery to a more proactive, product-driven approach. By starting small, establishing strong governance, and fostering a culture of collaboration, organizations can successfully implement the POD model and reap its many benefits.

Ultimately, the POD model represents a powerful way for organizations to better align their digital efforts with business strategy, ensuring that digital delivery becomes a key driver of innovation, growth, and long-term success.

With over 20 years of cross-sector experience in pharmaceuticals, energy, sustainability, infrastructure, and consulting, Peyman Moh is a senior Enterprise Architect, Digital Transformation, and Innovation leader with a proven track record of driving significant organizational change. He specializes in crafting and executing complex digital transformation strategies that align with business objectives, enhance operational efficiency, and foster sustainable growth. His expertise spans the entire spectrum of innovation management, from developing AI-driven solutions to implementing strategic foresight and advanced technologies.